Individual ProviderSorange PenaSpecialistOther Service ProvidersPractice Address329 E 149th St, 4th Floor, Bronx, NY 10451-5601(718) 769-2698PECOS EnrollmentBased on the most recent information from CMS, provider Sorange Pena does not have current enrollment records in PECOS.Part BMedicare Part BNot EnrolledHHAHome Health AgencyNot EnrolledDMEDurable Medical EquipmentNot EnrolledPMDPower Mobility DeviceNot EnrolledCMS last updated its PECOS records 39 days ago.Profile DetailsProvider ID1982144226Provider TypeIndividualFull NamePena, SorangeGenderFemaleSole ProprietorNoEnumeration Date3/6/2017Last Updated3/6/2017Contact InformationPractice LocationPractice Address329 E 149th St, 4th Floor, Bronx, NY 10451-5601Phone(718) 769-2698FaxUnlisted FaxMailing LocationMailing Address12 Saratoga Rd, White Plains, NY 10607-2113PhoneUnlisted PhoneFaxUnlisted FaxProvider TaxonomiesCodeDescriptionLicenseCode174400000XPrimaryDescriptionSpecialistOther Service ProvidersLicenseUnlisted Issuer